Hi, I'm Dan. I'm a Web Developer coding in Brooklyn.I'm a Brazilian, a gamer and a wannabe Muay Thai aficionado.I've never been to Albuquerque.

Select Projects

Maison MRKT2016

Complete site build.
Created single-page site for a fashion services agency. Built custom jQuery plugins: menu and text animation.
While working at Nature NYC.
WordPress HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery PHP

Barley and Oats2016

Complete site build with junior developer.
Built an e-commerce website for a meal delivery service, allowing both subscriptions and one time purchases. Since no existing e-commerce platform allows for both, created quick prototypes to determine which would best fit our client’s needs. The solution included using ChargeBee API along with WordPress and Stripe to create a custom application.
While working at Nature NYC.
WordPress HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery PHP AngularJS ChargeBee StripeJS

Glamsquad2014 - 2016

Complete site rebuild.
Rebuilt site for a large on-demand stylists website. Worked alongside client’s development team to add user accounts and online booking. Also in charge of quick changes and additions to facilitate scheduled promotions.
While working at Nature NYC.
WordPress HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery PHP AngularJS

Erica Weiner2014 - 2016

Complete site rebuild and continuous updates.
Rebuilt Shopify-based e-commerce site for a jewelry company, with an emphasis on mobile compatibility.
Created a unique acrostic ring design system that works with Shopify. This interactive visual interface, allows users to determine the type, number and placement of gems on a ring.
While working at Nature NYC.
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery Shopify


Complete site build.
Built site for renown artist Ron English. Gave the site an extra special touch in order to convey the artist’s work, including adding a few easter eggs.
While working at Nature NYC.
WordPress HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery PHP

Fathom + Hatch2015

Complete site build.
Built WordPress-based site for a consulting agency with an emphasis on an easy to use, simple back-end system.
While working at Nature NYC.
WordPress HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery PHP

Michael Nelson2016

Complete site build.
Created a website for a handbag designer whose work is inspired by and made in Kenya. Built custom jQuery plugin for a picture gallery.
While working at Nature NYC.
WordPress HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery PHP

Former Site + Other Work

Complete site design and build.
This site showcases what I’ve accomplished in the past: games I’ve designed and built, early development work and old art work.
Unity3D Processing Physical Computing Video Games Sculpture Painting Charcoal Drawings